Character Name: Victoria
(Viki) Dennis
B.I.T.C.H. Squad leader. A
driving force for change, truth, and justice, Viki is
willing to throw herself into any situation where she
feels her specific skills, strengths, notoriety, and
money, can do the most good. Viki has a creative edge
which she uses mainly for finding ways not to get caught
doing things she probably shouldn't be doing. She has
issues with authority and rebels against any rules she
feels are unwarranted. She is easy going to a point
is unshakable in the things she believes.
The philosophy
of her life is, "when
you quit they win." |

to uncover or destroy every last individual responsible
for the experiments that forever altered her and her
friends lives, Viki web casts every minute of her life,
live on the internet, as she peruses those aliens,
hybrids, and project officials who escaped the fallout
from her global exposure of the existence of the BIOLOGICAL
As with all of the advanced subjects
of the project, Viki is virtually indestructible. Intelligent,
egocentric, sarcastic, and somewhat overly self confident,
she is trained in several forms of combat and strategy.
However she prefers gadgets and using her body as a
weapon to planning and preparing. Though Viki appears
to be a slight 75-80lb girl, effects of the project
have not only increased her skeletal mass, organ density
and dermal strength, they have also increased her weight
to reportedly 250-280lbs.